We offer a variety of translation & legalisation services
We are officially recognised by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Angolan Consulate for translation and authentication of documents in the UK for official use in Angola. Our service includes translation and authentication with an official apostille from both the FCDO and Angolan Consulate for the following individual and commercial documents for official use in Angola.
Individual documents
Here are sone [but not all] individual documents with the translation, legalisation, notarising, and apostille of which we can assist you:
UK birth or death certificates
Marriage certificates
Police records or disclosure documents
Academic & training certificates/diplomas
Medical certificates
Travel consent for minors
Commercial documents
Here are some (but not all] commercial documents with the translation, legalisation, notarising, and apostille of which we can assist you:
Certificates of incorporation
International tenders
Customs & clearance forms
VAT registration documents
Any other commercial documents
for support, advice or emergency contact